
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Off for a month!

Hey everyone!!
Just a brief note, before I sign off for a whole month!
This week was wonderful. We all got to work an extra shift in the clinic, which meant that I got to watch this little girl enter the world!

We also had our Mercy retreat this week! It was a super fun time, hanging out in the cooler weather (up in the mountains), and getting to know some of the staff we will be working with.

The big news is that the six of us girls are headed out into the province for a month!!!
We are leaving tomorrow, doing a few days of orientation on Samal, the nearby island, then off to Butuan (pronounced ‘Boo-twan’) for three weeks. Butuan is roughly ten hours away by public transportation.
We will be learning more of the language, getting a better understanding of the culture, helping with or leading some healthcare teachings, as well as visiting people in their homes, doing a small maternal demographic survey with them, and just chatting. This visiting will hopefully open the way for us to talk about the gospel with them, and pray with them. We have been told that we will likely be cooking over an open fire, sleeping on mats, and bathing and washing laundry in the river. It will be an adventure!
So, please pray for us, as we head out for the month of November, that we will be incredibly blessed by this opportunity and also that we will be a blessing to the people we are working with!
Pray for safety as we travel up there and while we are there, for strength and courage, and that each of us would be stretched and challenged and would really grow in our faith.

Also, this week I had the opportunity to visit the OB ward of the hospital where we take patients who have complications during labour. It is the government-run hospital, and sadly, it is very under-staffed, and although they do the very best they can, there isn’t enough supplies or enough space for the amount of patients. This means that the patients are crammed, and it is hot, and not very clean. It is a sad situation.
So that is a prayer request, that the patients there would still get good care, and that if possible, conditions would improve there. My roommate and I went to visit one specific patient, ‘Julia’* who we had taken there the day before. She had had a C-Section. She was incredibly brave! Prayer requests for her are that she heals well, that her baby is and stays healthy, and that she was blessed through the care at the clinic, even though she wasn’t able to deliver there.

I miss you all very much! I am excited to read plenty of emails and letters when I get home! (*hint*hint :))
Talk to you in December!
Love, Becca

*The patient's name has been changed to protect her privacy.