
Thursday, August 21, 2014


We made it!
31 hours after I left my house, we arrived in Davao City! The flights were long and cramped, but they had movies, and the food was relatively good. :)
We got here just after 11 AM Tuesday morning. Since we left int he evening, and traveled West, we kept missing the sunset, and were in the dark for 18-20 hours before we saw the sunrise as we came into Manila. Which then felt like Monday morning, but alas, it was already Tuesday.

The couple that picked us up took us out for lunch, and then brought us to our dorms, where all we did was try to obey the one rule: Don't got to bed until at least six!
So far jet lag is affecting me in the mornings - getting up at four. :)

We went shopping on Wednesday for essentials, like phones :) Everyone required to have phones in order to communicate with the other girls and staff.

We also scoped out a pool, about a three minute walk from our house, for fairly cheap! That was a score! My plan is to use that a lot! After the pool, we also checked out the fancy mall in the area, called Abreeza. It is definitely high-end, especially compared to the one we had been in in the morning, a much more 'average shoppers' mall.

Today, we started some orientation things, and then played a get-to-know-the-city game, which required a lot of walking in the hot (like really hot!) sun, and walking through detestable places such as the meat section of the market! One word: awful! I doubt that they have ever even heard the word 'sanitary'! It stank, flies covered the food, people were sleeping on tables and freezers inches from meat lying out in the heat, and it stank!
We also got to do some really fun/funny things, such as: take a picture with a pregnant lady who we found walking down the street, inquire about the price of snorkels, have a group of girls sing the Filipino national anthem while we videoed (they were very good!!), try out the public transportation (a whole other story :)), take pictures in a boat on the pier, and a host of other fun/strange/interesting things!

Tomorrow, we are headed to a beach on a different island to get to know the other newcomers and leaders better. We will be there for tomorrow and Saturday. Next week, we will hit orientation full swing!


P.S. I will try my best at posting faithfully, but I'm sure it will help if I know people are reading it **hint hint** ;)


  1. Becca, as your #1 fan, I promise to read every one of your posts! Love, hugs -Dad

  2. WOOHOO! A blog! I love blogs...I'll be reading. ;) -Elizabeth

  3. You are on my blog list now, so I'll be reading:) Glad you made it their safely and have had some good adventures already!

  4. Yes I am reading and will keep reading! I am so excited for you!!

  5. Hey Becca! Totally going to read this!

  6. Yay!! And the site name is also easy to remeber! Cheers keep it up:-)

  7. Wow - so exciting to be there! Will be reading so post often. :)

  8. I will thoroughly enjoy reading about all your adventures :) - Rachel K.

  9. I can't guarantee that I will be able to read them all right away (as you can probably see by the fact that I'm just commenting on this now) but I will definitely be reading them eventually so please keep posting :) Miss you!! <3
    P.S. Uncle Jake, I love your comment :P
