
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Beach Day!

Officially finished with four weeks of school, officially half way done!!! Yay!
We were studying up till now with two fun girls from Germany. They were only doing one month, so yesterday was their last day. To celebrate that they finished, and to say goodbye, our teachers gave us the day off school and planned a trip the nearby island of Samal, where the nicer beaches are.
A 10 peso ferry ride (25 cents :))....

This housing belongs to a people group known as the Badjoa. The Badjoa are very poor, often don't speak good Visayan (and thus even the Filipino midwives have trouble communicating with them), don't have a clear concept of time; in other words, they won't know their birthday, how old they are, or their due date. Generally in society, they are very looked down on. The midwives at the clinic treat them very well, and sometimes even refer to them as 'Goodjoa' as a way of reversing the stereotypes about them.

Two of our teachers, Ma'am Melit and Ma'am Gigi :)

Filipinos love little games that are awkward or embarrassing, and so much fun!

Sharing game prizes with little Badjao boys

Coconut trees!!

 And true Filipino style, some karaoke!

Emily and Elizabeth giving food to a Badjao father and son, and checking out the trinkets they were selling.

And one of the four babies born on my shift at the clinic today!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so neat, Becca! Thanks for sharing! I'm so glad happy for you that you get to experience all these things:)
