
Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Wharf Again :)

Today, I spent some time at my favorite spot.

{Haha, that would be bed, and I spent some time there too! :) But that’s not what I’m referring to}

Biked down to Santa Ana Wharf, and got some precious alone time! I may have mentioned this before, but despite the dirtiness and the ever-present haze of the city, I love this place!

The waves, the breeze, the smell of saltwater and fish, little kids playing in the waves, dark clouds, the ships in the harbour, the mountains of Samal in the distance, the Badjao homes along the shore; it’s just all incredibly relaxing.

Neighbours of our school house: These two cuties were infatuated with their new puppy!

A few quick updates:
·        - Had my fifth shift last night, from 10 pm until 6 am this morning. It was very quiet, but kind of nice to have a more relaxed shift!
·          - Our language studies are going well. We are really starting to understand things in regular conversation, and can have a simple conversation with someone.
·        - We have three weeks left of language school. After that we will have about a week break, and then we will be spending a month in the Bukid, the rural part of the province, (where there are places that don't have running water, electricity, washrooms, etc :)) where we will really be immersed in the language and learn a lot of the evangelism aspect of our training.
·        - In December, we actually start our work in the clinic full tilt.
·        - Yesterday we spent all day at the Bureau of Immigration working on getting our missionary visas. This is a long process, with a lot of paperwork, but two of us got through it all in one day – what a relief!!

Prayer Requests:
·        - For motivation for the last three weeks of school, and that we will learn a lot even as it comes to an end!
·        - That we will be granted the two year missionary visa. When we apply for our visa we apply for a two-year and pay for a two-year, but the head office in Manila could decide to give us a one-year anyways. If we get the two-year, we will save money, and not have to deal with the hassle of it all so soon!
·        - For each of us, as we start to build deeper relationships and friendships.

      **A picture from last week, as we learned how to get at our own coconut juice. A big knife and something to hack at is all it takes to make me happy! :) **


Thank you all for your support!!
Miss you all like crazy!
Love, Becca

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