
Friday, October 24, 2014


Today marked the end of an era... so to speak!
Sadly, we are by no means fluent, but we have a good grasp of the beginnings of Visayan.

Our teachers did a fabulous job of making sure our last day was a special one!

 After a few of our regular classes, we had an official program! Complete with speeches, songs, a poem, coconut demonstration, games, receiving certificates, and of course, delicious food!

Two of my favorite pictures of the day: Our class!!


 The day was completed with catching a ride with our favorite jeepney driver, who kindly picked us up right at the gate!!!!

All in all, a amazing way to end language school!!
So thankful for this opportunity to learn the language and beautiful culture of this land!

A wise person once said "Being able to think in a new language is like being able to see the world with new colors."
I have to say, I wholeheartedly agree!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Another Week

This week was exactly two months since we arrived in Davao City....
The time has flown in a way, but it also feels like I've been gone from home for forever!!!
We have wrapped up seven weeks of language school! At the beginning, it seemed like it would be endless, but it really went by so fast!

On Tuesday, a couple of us went out to a little cafe to celebrate Emily's birthday. That was fun, and very relaxing!

This past Saturday evening, we got to go to Jack's Ridge. It is a restaurant, coffee shop, and pool way up on top of ridge, and overlooks Davao City.
Sadly, the pool was closed for another event, so we couldn't swim, but nevertheless, we got to watch the sun go down and see the city light up as it got dark!

Believe it or not, there was a monkey in here, but despite all my whistling he wouldn't emerge to get his picture taken!

A major highlight of the week was on Thanksgiving Day!!
Normally, we only do one shift in the clinic per week, on the weekends.
However, Jenna, my housemate, had a continuity patient ((a patient who she did the prenatals on, then delivers the baby, and does the postpartum check-ups)) who went into labour on Monday evening. I had met the momma before at a prenatal, she was delightful, and she was okay with me being there for her birth!
So Jenna invited me along when she went into labour. Thus, I got to watch this little guy make his appearance! He was absolutely adorable!!
Yep! I'll take that over Thanksgiving Dinner! {Even though, I ended up getting dinner as well ;) }

Love, Becca